Sunday, February 28, 2021

Women's Hair Styles in the Wartime USSR

                                                         A Note From the Leningrad Tailor

I felt this post was needed to aid women portraying both Soviet Civilian and Military impressions. However, as I am ignorant of even the most basic women's hair styles, I felt like I could not do the topic justice. As a result, I asked for assistance from Jennie Devries, who runs the blog The Ugly Dame. Jennie is partially responsible for this venture, as she was the person who initially helped me navigate the world of 1940s women's fashion, and her blog helped create some of my first pieces. She also encouraged me to put this blog together, as a way of getting my research out there, and gave me the technical assistance for setting it up. So, to have her take the time away from her absolutely fantastic blog, and write for mine, is real honor. If you like my blog, then I would encourage you to take the time to go over to:, and check out her amazing work, and research. 


A long ways back I was approached about doing a guest post for the Leningrad Tailor and I jumped at the opportunity. For those who do not know me, I am Jennie from The Ugly Dame. My primary focus is WWII era German civilian attire but I wear and love all things vintage from hair to make up to clothes. This was a fun post to do because it let me compare and contrast Soviet hairstyling with German. I saw some similarities and I saw some differences. One of the similarities I saw was the air of practicality. It seems women, no matter where they come from, suit their hair to their occupation and yet still show some effort to care about their appearance. For here and now, it is all about Soviet women and their hair. 

Hairstyling and hair as a whole is a struggle for reenactors and for good reason. One of the biggest reasons is because of techniques to achieve the styles, hair care, and attention to detail. Let's start with techniques. Hair styles of the 40s used a totally different set of skills to get the final result from pin curling to sculpting waves, and more. There are countless beauty books giving these details. Hair care. Hair care was much different then than today. Hair care in the 40s gave hair the texture it needed to be tamed into the styles we are trying to emulate today. Attention to detail. German, American, French, British, and even Soviet women all favored some hair styles and trends more than others and it is that attention to detail that can make a particular impression truly authentic. 

Today I am guest writing for The Leningrad Tailor all about Soviet hairstyles for women. Similar to German women, Soviet women had their own taste for certain styles that were a by product of necessity and vanity combined that differed from their American sisters. Often American hairstyles are seen at reenactments and living history events on heads for all sorts of impressions but let us be frank and say that Soviet women had their own flair much like German, British, etc. Each country or area had its own trends when it came to hairstyling and today it is all about Soviet women and their hair. 

When I started this project, I was given a great sampling of lots and lots of photos to study all sorts of Soviet women from civilian to military. There were all sorts of age groups, occupations, socio economic levels and more to study and I think I was given a very good cross section to which to study from. When I was going through the images, I asked myself what am I seeing more of? What age groups favor this or that. Do civilians favor one look over another? What about women in the military or in factory settings? 

What I found was that Soviet women's hairstyles varied immensely based on photographic evidence. There was long hair and short; curly and straight; styled and left unruly. Side parts, center parts, swept back with no parts. At first glance it seemed like endless variety! After my initial survey I decided to break down my study into age groups and civilian v military. 

In General 

Before I get into the age groups, I think a quick look at general trends would be great to get the ball rolling. Overall, there are no obvious trends aside from practicality. Each woman seemed to have done what she had to do to suit her occupation. If it worked, it worked. Some of the more raw and candid shots show women with almost unruly and unkept hair. Natural really would be the best way to describe it. I would say that some of these women were not concerned about their hair but getting the job at hand accomplished instead. In the studio portraits or the more staged photos there is more effort with more styled hair dos typical of the 40s or else hair is more secured. For the secured looks, hair was focused to the back of the head, swept away from the face. No Veronica Lake peek a boo bangs here.  Between age groups there were some trends that showed up more in some than in others and that is where we are going next. 

Youth and Juveniles 

For children and youths of a very young age, hair was kept at a blunt cut or in braids. This is kind of typical for the 1940s as these hair styles are easy to manage for both the child and parent. Braids were two braids, one on each side of the head ("pig tails") as the most common. 

Teenagers (Age 13 to 20) 

For the teenagers there is a transition between more adult styles and those looks of a more juvenile nature. I am sure some were growing out of their blunt cuts and others were trying to grow up as fast as they could. Here, girls were starting to wear their hair longer and either straight, curled or confined in a bun at the back of the head. Hair was both styles and left natural. Foy young women entering the military jaw length hair seemed to be quite common. There are still some blunt cuts, braids are more commonly one ling braid down the back of the head or else crown braids (sometimes called "milkmaid braids"). 

Adults (20 to 50)

Here is the most hair style variety! Long hair in a bun secured was seen among farm and factory workers. Among factory workers hair could be covered up somewhat.  Long hair, or medium length hair could be left down plain or styles depending on the wearer. Hair could be at jaw length in a blunt cut or else styled, especially for military impressions but seen in civilian too here and there. Here we can see more styling and effort too if the wearer chose to do so.  Center parts or side parts were common. I think for this age group, the biggest factor concerning hair style was not age but occupation. Suit your hair to fit what you are doing is the biggest trend I found. 

Mature Adult (50+)

Here hair styles shift to head coverings and hair styles when visible are very plain. Scarves, of all kinds, cover the head quite a bit and I think are for protection more than style. Hair, when visible, is very plain and secured to the back of the head with a plain bun. Definitely more function over style here. 

Military Vs. Civilian 

For the women in the military, publicity and studio photos show styling with waves, pomps, rolls, etc. Hair styles that are more typical of the 40s. I am guessing the women in these images took the extra time needed or else had the photo studio do it for them. In addition to the styled looks, plain blunt cuts were seen in and out of the studio. 

Civilian women show much the same as their military sisters except there are more longer hair styles as a whole that range from just past the shoulder to longer. Curled hair was popular for the more staged looks. 

So how can we, today,  achieve these looks? Well the simple looks are going to be very easy and require almost no special skill. There were plenty of photos that did not show perfection. For styling a blunt or short cut, photos reveal very little actual styling. For anyone who lacks talent in the hair department,  you are in luck. You really do not need much skill. For other styles they will require more attention so stay tuned here for more hair goodness later on. Today was just the foundation. 

Monday, February 15, 2021

Men's Wear in the Wartime Soviet Union

This post is going to dovetail off of my previous post on women's wartime clothing, and delve into the basics of men's fashion during the Great Patriotic War. The purpose, as with my last post, is to give a very basic overview of men's clothing during the wartime years for the living historian/reenactor to use when putting their impression together.

As I said in the women's post, when we start talking about what types of clothing was worn by men in the Soviet Union, the answer is, "it depends." Clothing worn in cities was somewhat different than the clothing worn in rural areas. To make matters more complicated, clothing worn in different areas of the Soviet Union, for example the European part of the USSR, (like Western Russian, Ukraine, and Byelorussia) is going to be different from clothing worn in the Asian Republics (such as Kyrgyzstan or Uzbekistan). Once you factor in a person's age, and what the clothing is being worn for, the matter becomes about as clear as mud.

Given such a wide range of options, I've confined this brief overview solely towards the "European USSR" since that is where the bulk of the Great Patriotic War was fought. As in my previous post, I have divided men's fashion into two broad, distinct, categories (urban vs rural), and I will briefly touch on working and cold weather clothing.

                                      The Revolutionary Roots of Soviet Fashion

The clothing worn by the men, and women, who inhabited the USSR during the Second World War was directly influenced by the tumultuous years between the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, and the start of the Great Patriotic War.[1] In order to understand the clothing styles, trends, and tastes of the wartime years, one has to understand the events that impacted the garment industry during the opening decades of the USSR.

During the first part of the Twentieth Century, fashion was associated with one’s place in society. At this time, the vast majority of the Russian population resided in small villages, in the countryside, and relied on home made garments that were utilitarian, and closer to traditional peasant wear than what we think of when we think of Edwardian fashion. Moreover, for your average citizen, at this time, ready made garments from a department store, were a rarity and reserved for special occasions.[2]

Due to the cost, a well made suit of clothes, cut along contemporary lines, was more identified with the urban elite. This extreme dichotomy between rural, and urban, fashion was seen by many revolutionaries as further illustration of the haves, and have nots, in Russian society. During those early, violent years, of the USSR, how a person dressed was viewed by many Bolsheviks, as a prima facia case, as to what side an individual was on. As a result, the clothing of the peasant was embraced and served as a basis for clothing in the first decade of Soviet society.[3]

As a result of the massive re-ordering of Russian society, the fashion industry was left in a state of ruin. Things were made even worse when, in the late 1920s, the garment industry was collectivized and brought under state control. Almost in an instant, the fashion world was choked off, and even the elites in Soviet Society had a decreasing number of options from which to get clothing made[4]

One of the unintended consequences of this action was that, cheap, mass produced, clothing became extremely limited in supply. Clothing was rationed to the masses just like bread, or meat was. Clothing and shoes were expensive, and citizens purchased these items, not because they were fashionable, but to fill a need.[5]

With this development, the State decided there was a need to expand their fashion industry. Clothing conglomerates were established, and workshops were set up to design textiles and garments (so long as they met the need of being mass produced).[6]

By the mid-1930s, as the Soviet society became more urbanized (a result of massive industrialization brought about by the various Five Year plans), and the standard of living began to climb, fashion began to take on both a practical and political purpose. A popular slogan of the time was that life had become better, life had become more joyous, and a booming fashion industry was seen by the state as a way of showing both the citizenry, and the world, of just how effective socialism could be at improving life of the proletariat.[7]

In 1934, the Soviet Union opened its first fashion design house, and within a few years there were regional houses of design which were to satisfy local needs for new garment designs. Moreover, there was a burgeoning number of department stores, in major metropolitan areas, where the citizens could buy the new clothing that was being produced. On top of that, a revamping of the state control over garment production, also meant that small tailor’s, and seamstress, shops could also operate in conjunction with the major, state run, garment factories. By the late 1930s, a system was in place where state run design houses produced the designs, large conglomerate factories massed produced ready made garments, and department stores distributed them. Moreover, department stores, and small tailor/seamstress operations, could take on small runs of garments, as well as do custom work.[8]

In late 1930s, with war around the corner, the Soviet fashion industry had fulfilled both its pragmatic, and political role. It had made clothing, for the most part, readily available to the average citizen. From a political standpoint, it had shown that socialism had elevated the masses to a standard of dress which, a mere twenty years before, had been accessible to only a few elites in society.[9]

                                                        So, Why Does the Matter?

At this stage, I’m sure you’re asking “okay, so you’ve given me a long winded explanation of how Soviet fashion evolved up to the eve of the war, what does it matter? What practical application does this have to the living history world?” The reason is that explains several points that crop up when picking a garment for one’s impression.

As I mentioned above, prior to the 1930s, your average person, living in a small village in the hinterlands of Byelorussia, is still clothing themselves the way their grandparents did prior to the revolution. While attempts were made to bring modern clothing into the rural areas, the old ways and fashions still hung on until well after the war years, particularly with older people. Part of this was tradition, and part of it was practical. Patterns for making garments were already on hand, the garments were tough, utilitarian, and comfortable, and it’s what the people who produced them knew; all good reasons to stay with tried and true types of clothes.

The Russian fashion industry went from servicing a fairly small, urban elite, in 1917, to non-existent (with the Revolutionary embrace of traditional, peasant, clothing during the 1920s), to being a vehicle to quickly clothing a large population in easy to mass produce, ready made garments, to, finally, being a true fashion industry (like its other European contemporaries). As a result, when the fashion industry was reborn in the mid-1930s it had to look abroad for influences, as opposed to building on industry tradition and evolution. Moreover, it was under state control, so there was less impetus on changing clothing looks as rapidly as there would be if the various state fashion houses were competing on the traditional market. As a result, clothing designs tended to pull from its European neighbors, and fashion trends had a tendency to hold on longer in the USSR, than it would in Germany or France.

Lastly, after the Nazi invasion of June 22, 1941, the Soviet economy was put on a full war footing. This meant that the garment factories were switched to making uniforms, and skilled tradespeople left their pre-war occupation in the garment industry, for the front, or war industry[10]. As a result, citizens were forced to “make do and mend,” as their British allies would say, and mend, repair, or alter pre-war clothing to last for the duration. What little new clothing that was produced during the war, was made at home the way it had been during the times of the Tsar. The Soviet Union was so bereft of civilian clothing that, when the Red Army made it into the “lair of the Fascist beast” Red Army soldiers made a habit of sending garments, textiles, and shoes home as war booty. [11]



                                                           Threads for Urbanites

As with everything in life, there is the ideal, and the reality. The above 1938 sketch of fashionable, well cut, men’s suits was further proof of how well dressed a populace that a planned, socialist, economy could produce.

In the 1940s, the centerpiece of a European man’s wardrobe was the three piece suit. A man’s newest, and all matching, suit of clothes was generally kept for formal, important occasions. His second oldest suit was used for everyday wear, and individual pieces he had from previous suits, would be worn for labor and lounging around the house. However, garments wear at different rates; normally the pants wear out first, then the jacket, and then the vest. So, it was not uncommon, depending on how well off someone was, to see a man wearing a mismatched set of clothing. Because a man’s suit of clothes had to be worn for multiple occasions, the colors tended to be conservative, with dark blues, browns, blacks, and greys predominating (pin stripes were also very common).[12]

A survey of the above photos shows that this practice held on, to a certain degree, with urbanites in Soviet cities. Suits of clothing tended to very conservative in color, and worn along the lines above (though mix and match can still be seen). Key differences in the suit of Soviet citizen, when compared to the ones worn by their European counterparts, is that they tend to be less tailored than you would see in Germany, or the United Kingdom. One last feature, that is extremely common on Soviet suit jackets of the time, is the use of patch pockets.

Two of the most salient features of Soviet men’s fashion, is the headwear, and the types of shirts worn. A look of the photos shows that wearing a hat (another 1940s fashion norm) was in full swing with Soviet men. However, unlike in the west, where felt brimmed hats were extremely popular, Soviet men preferred to wear generously crowned, soft billed, caps (cabbie caps, and eight panel newsboy styles, predominate, but there are a few others).

With regards to shirts, you see your traditional button down, collared shirts being worn. However, you also see large numbers of half placket shirts, and civilian gymnasterkas (traditional Russian tunics) being worn tucked into the trousers. Lastly, neck ties seem to be worn depending on the individual’s role in society, and/or the occasion.

                                                      Back to Our Roots: Rural Clothing

As I wrote in my previous post on women’s clothing, there is a belief that the average guy living in a small rural village, or working on a kolkhoz, was dressed in a manner that was only a few years removed from the emancipation of the serfs. However, the reality is some what more murky.

As a general rule, you do not see rural men dressed in three piece suits, for the reasons I enumerated earlier. Clothing manufacture in rural areas was not all that different from pre-revolution times, and the garments that were popular in the rural areas were comfortable, and utilitarian, for agricultural labor.

The photos above show us that there were several garment types that pop up regularly in photographs of men living in the country. The most ubiquitous garment is the tunic, or gymnasterka. This is essentially an over shirt that goes back to the Tsarist times, and is worn over an undershirt with a belt. You see them with a half placket front, and a more contemporary collar, but you also see them with a short, stand up collar, with an off-set placket opening. Like the suits, they tend to be a range of more conservative colors (white, grey, tan, brown, greens). Unlike in urban areas, they tend to be worn outside the pants, in their traditional manner.

Trousers are either cut in a contemporary 1930s style (straight with wide legs), or “Gallet” style. Gallet trousers are jodhpur type pants very similar in cut to the Red Army issue trousers. Both styles have high rises, which means they are worn at an individual’s natural waist (around the belly button).

Coats are worn when appropriate and follow the conventions governing the suit coats of more urbane individuals. However, it is rare to see a rural man wearing a coat that matches the rest of his clothing.

As with city dwellers, the ubiquitous soft billed caps described above, are worn almost to a man (this is not to say that felt, brimmed hats, weren’t worn, they just are not nearly as popular).



                                                   Utility Cuts Across All Demographics

I won’t spend a lot of time on “working” attire because I intend to go into this at a later date. However, I do want to brush on working and cold weather gear.

As a general rule, a Soviet citizen’s wardrobe was not nearly as large as their Western European contemporaries. As such, the clothes they wore to work in the factory, were many times the only set they possessed. As such, photos of men engaged in factory work, coal mining, and other forms of industrialized labor show wide ranging use of coveralls, and boiler suits. The overgarment would keep the under clothing safe from damage while engaged in dirty, heavy work.

In the extreme cold weather that characterizes winter, in Russia, you see chic, heavy woolen, overcoats being worn in more urban settings. They tend to pop up from time to time in rural settings too, but they’re not normally being worn by individuals who are engaged in any kind of heavy, dirty labor.

For that sort of thing, the garment of choice is the telogreika. The telogreika is a quilted jacket (its outer shell is quilted over a wool kapok inner lining), and is an extremely utilitarian garment that helps keep out the subzero chills of a harsh winter. Often time, it is seen worn with matching, quilted, trousers. These pop up in photos of both urban, and rural citizens.

Civilian telogreika’s are very similar to the ones worn by the Red Army, and, in most cases, differ only in color, and buttons. Civilian telogreikas are seen with, and without, collars, and are normally made from tan, black, or blue cloth.


This is a very basic, very general, look at men’s wartime fashion in the USSR during the Great Patriotic War. It is also a living document, subject to revision as new material, and facts arise. My hope is to go into more depth with these topics as time goes on, and I have a chance to get to it.

As with many things in the USSR during wartime, there are very few absolutes, and a lot of gray area. When putting together a civilian look for living history interpretation, ask yourself the following questions:

*Where am I from
*What time frame am I doing
*What is my role in society
*How old am I

Use as many original photos, that you can find, to guide you going forward as you decide what garments are right for your portrayal.

[1] Jukka Gronow and Sergey Zhuravlev, Fashion Meets Socialism (Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 2018), 38.

[2] Jukka Gronow and Sergey Zhuravlev, Fashion Meets Socialism (Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 2018), 38.

[3] Jukka Gronow and Sergey Zhuravlev, Fashion Meets Socialism (Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 2018), 38-40.

[4] Jukka Gronow and Sergey Zhuravlev, Fashion Meets Socialism (Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 2018), 50.

[5] Jukka Gronow and Sergey Zhuravlev, Fashion Meets Socialism (Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 2018), 51.

[6] Jukka Gronow and Sergey Zhuravlev, Fashion Meets Socialism (Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 2018), 51.

[7] Jukka Gronow and Sergey Zhuravlev, Fashion Meets Socialism (Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 2018), 51

[8] Jukka Gronow and Sergey Zhuravlev, Fashion Meets Socialism (Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 2018), 52-53.

[9] Jukka Gronow and Sergey Zhuravlev, Fashion Meets Socialism (Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 2018), 54.

[10] Jukka Gronow and Sergey Zhuravlev, Fashion Meets Socialism (Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 2018), 55.

[11] Catherine Merridale, Ivan’s War (London: Faber and Faber, 2005), 279.

[12] Mike Brown, The 1940s Look: Recreating the Fashions, Hairstyles, and Make-Up of the Second World War (Kent: Sabrestorm Publishing, 2006) 3-4.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Women's Fashion in the Soviet Union 1939-1945

                                          Women’s Fashion in the Soviet Union 1939-1945

When one asks the question, what did citizens of the Soviet Union wear during the Great Patriotic War, the answer is, “well it depends.”

The Soviet Union was a vast, wide ranging territory, with a diverse climate, and was composed of numerous ethnic groups. These factors influenced the types and styles of garments that were worn. An additional factor in Soviet wartime fashion were the concepts produced by “Socialist Realism.” These left an indelible mark on the clothing that was designed and sold in more urban markets of the USSR.

In extremely an extremely broad characterization, clothing ranged from traditional garments that had not changed much in a century, to very modern, western influenced, styles. It really depended on where someone lived, what their ethnic back ground was, what their role in Soviet society was, and what the garments purpose was (work wear, as opposed to more business/formal attire). To round things out, a person’s age and gender also played a significant role in dictating they style of garments they would wear.

It would be impossible, in the short space I have devoted to this endeavor, to break down all of the minutia involved in Soviet wartime fashion. Since my blog is primarily aimed to assist the living history/reenacting community, I’m going to focus my observations into two very broad categories urban vs rural, in locations that made up the western part of the Soviet Union.

One other thing that’s critical to take into consideration is the size of an average Soviet citizen’s wardrobe at the time the Great Patriotic War occurred. Your average Soviet citizen’s wardrobe was not nearly as vast your average twenty-first century persons. As Petr Mikhin would write, “[in] those days, not every student could boast of decent clothing. For example, I only had one pair of trousers, which I ironed from time to time, and a felt jacket instead of a proper suit.[1]” He was thus elated at being issued a full suit of clothing as an officer cadet. With that in mind, as we go forward, remember that the average person’s wardrobe was small, and sometimes did double duty in terms of what it was worn for.

                                            Fashion as a Symbol of Socialism’s Success




You’ll see above, the idealized, fashion trends that were produced by Soviet fashion designers, and shown to the outside world. Whether in TASS press photos, or in one of the myriad of women’s fashion magazines, modern, western European styles (Germany had a significant influence on Soviet fashion as evidenced by the styles pictured) were presented to the women of the Soviet Union as the ideal.

Clothing made from colorful cotton prints (floral patterns predominate), and woolen garments beautifully cut to 1940s European standards are on display. Most of these chic ensembles were capped off with a cute felt broad brimmed hat, or women’s fedora. With images like this, one would be hard pressed to tell whether these were women on the streets of Berlin, or Leningrad.

In the late 1930s, fashion was one aspect of Soviet society that blossomed. Fashion advice appeared regularly in Rabotnitsa, the party opened new fashion design houses, and there were even traveling fashion displays to take these stylish garments to women in more rural areas[2].

This fashion boom had political roots, however. Stalin wanted to counter the western stereotype of an impoverished, plain, society, and show that Communism could produce well clothed citizens, as well as the Capitalist west could[3]. Domestically, these images reinforced the concept that while the sacrifices of the 1920s and 30s had been great, the standard of living for the average Soviet Citizen was far superior to what it had been before the revolution[4].

                                                     The Reality: Urban Fashion Trends

Like many things in the Soviet Union, the image painted by the Party was vastly different in the work-a-day world in places like Kiev, Minsk, Odessa, and Leningrad. While your average Soviet woman, rarely, if ever, wore the ideal put out by the press, certain aspects of it did make it into main stream Soviet wardrobes.

Colorful, cheerful, prints are ubiquitous in Soviet women’s wear of the time, particularly florals and polka dots. Puff sleeves (particularly on short sleeved garments), short jackets, and shirt waist dresses are en vogue amongst women in their late teens and twenties. Even older women are evidenced to have been consumed by the colorful prints that were all the rage, and a few even adopted the puff sleeve to some of their clothing.

This being said, many older styles, and trends held on much longer than they did in western Europe. For example, skirt length tended go well below the knee on many skirts worn in the USSR. This was something that would have been common in the west in the early, to mid, 1930s, but that was beginning to be less widely seen by the time the war broke out.

Another visible difference is in the tailored cut of women’s garments. As you can see from some of these shots, the cut, and the tailoring to the garments, are not as pronounced, or elegant, as seen with western European, or American, clothing of the time.

If I had to pick the most unique aspect of Soviet women’s fashion of the wartime years, it would be the head gear, or lack thereof. It was generally common practice, in the US, Britain, France, and Germany (and most other westernized nation) that a woman did not go outside without a hat on in the 1940s. In the Soviet Union, the opposite seems to be true.

Contrary to the fashion magazines, your average Soviet woman’s headgear of choice was the head scarf. This is a very traditional garment, and also a very utilitarian one if you’re trying to keep warm during a Russian winter, or keep your hair clean, and out of the way, while engaged in heavy labor.

This was not the realm of the old Babushka who moved from the country to the city and held on to this old peasant habit, either. This trend cuts across all age brackets from the tween to the grandmother. Even women serving in the Red Army appear in photos wearing them, as opposed to regulation headwear, when doing work behind the lines.

If Soviet women were not wearing a head scarf, they were wearing nothing on their heads. Berets are sometimes found on younger women, but they are definitely not in the majority. The cute felt hats, and fedoras, of Moda are the white whales of wartime women’s fashion.

                                                        Rural Fashion: Traditional or Chic?

One of the stereotypes I had to encounter, when I first started looking at Soviet wartime fashion, is that everyone living in the Soviet countryside dressed about one generation removed from the Serfs. Given the isolation of some of these villages, and collective farms, plus the tendency of the rural population to be conservative by nature, I can see where this assumption came from. However, this is far from the truth.

The dress, as a general rule, is more conservative (or dated, if you prefer that term), and is made to be durable, comfortable, and utilitarian. Longer skirts, darker colors (particularly with woolen items, you see a lot of blacks, blues, and browns- very good for covering the dirt you pick up working on a Kolkhoz), and generously cut blouses and overgarments are widely seen amongst the Soviet rural population.

That said, it’s clear that the mobile fashion shows did have some influence on rural clothing. If you look at these photos, you will see many of the younger women have incorporated colorful, printed fabrics, into their wardrobe. Perhaps they’re not as garish as you would see in the city, but they’re there. You also see puffed sleeves on their garments.

This is contrasted with older women, who tend to be seen wearing solid colored garments (though even some of them are getting in on the printed fad). Greys, blues, blacks, and white are common colors used in older women’s garments in rural areas.

One other trend you’ll notice from the photos is the one piece vs two piece construction of garments. While this isn’t a hard and fast rule, I was surprised at how older women tend to be wearing dresses that look as they are one piece construction, where as the younger women in the photos seem to be wearing blouses and skirts.

Just like in the city, almost to a woman, the head scarf is being worn. If she doesn’t have a head scarf on, then rural Soviet women are bareheaded. Not even the beret has managed to gain a toe hold amongst young women in the villages and collective farms.


This is a very general, and very broad, look at wartime women’s fashion. To quote a friend, “there’s a lot of grey area” when it comes to what women are wearing during the Great Patriotic War. There are so many variables that come into play when picking garments for living history interpretation.

For example, the rapid industrialization, and aggressive agricultural reforms of the 1920s, and 1930s, resulted in an influx of people who had lived in rural areas their whole lives, coming to major urban centers to work. Moreover, it would not be unheard of to have young Komsomol members in rural areas as civil servants, or as professionals (such as engineers, or doctors). These individuals would have brought their clothing, and their styles, with them.

Moreover, this has only touched on the European part of the USSR, and hasn’t even begun to look populations living in Asian republics, or in the far flung outposts like Vladivostok. If I have any advice for individuals interested in portraying a Soviet civilian, it would be this: do your own research and look at photos. See what types of garments predominate, and then choose based on your role, age, and ethnic background.

[1] Petr Mikhin, Guns Against the Reich: Memoirs of an Artillery Officer on the Eastern Front (Barnesly: Pen & Sword, 2010), 5.

[2] Lynne Attwood, Creating the New Soviet Woman (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999), 133 & 164.

[3] Lynne Attwood, Creating the New Soviet Woman (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999), 164.

[4] Lynne Attwood, Creating the New Soviet Woman (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999), 132.

  Lend Lease Uniforms in the Great Patriotic War- Part 1        I first became interested in the concept of Soviet clothing, made using im...